Sunday, November 30, 2008

Yes Men

The” Yes Men” from as Far as I Can tell are nothing but a bunch of corporate terrorist, who sole goal in life is to make hard working peoples’ lives difficult. They think by going around posing as some so called Evil Corporation they can somehow change the world. This is simply nonsense; all they are doing is making some poor middle management executive fill out more paper work then he needs to, and costing some fact checking guy at some media corporation his job. Good Job “Yes Men” all you ever accomplish is making people’s lives a little more difficult. Another thing, no one finds your jokes funny either, making oil out of people is sick, not funny. Only anarchist liberals like yourself get your jollies by presenting such ludicrous and horrible ideas. Exxon Mobile is one of the most environmentally responsible and consumer friendly corporations in the world. Every day the provided safe and effective energy that we consume, and without that energy we would be no better off then cavemen. The same goes for Dow Chemical, Dow provides products that make the way we live possible, what do we gain by making them go broke over some poor Indians that would most like just take jobs from Americans anyway. Besides Dow has no responsibility for an accident that was performed by another company, if those people are truly suffering, then the Indian government could help them, that’s what governments are for. The deception and lies that the “Yes Men” spread throughout our corporate culture is a virus on society, which does nothing but cause harm for no discernable reason. What is to be gain by spreading lies about some of America’s strongest companies? I think the “Yes Men” need to step back for a moment and realize that these corporations are run by normal hard working people and that the share holders are also normal hard working people, and that there is no such thing as an evil corporation. These corporations do more good then evil, while yes they may do some things that are underhanded or sometimes even cruel, it is for the greater good. It is for the good of the employees and for the good of the share holders, the employees and share holders that make up America. There was a phrase back in the sixty I believe and it went, what is good for General Motors is good for American, truer worlds have never been spoken. As for the picture I choose the anarchy symbol, because that’s all the “Yes Men” are, is a bunch of anarchist.

1 comment:

Band Four said...

hey band 5 people, this is Thiago. i was wondering if one of you guys could send me the power point presentation of voice of grain?

if its alright with you guys, i wanted to take a look at it again to see if there's any ideas i could possibly use for my presentation.

my email is