Saturday, November 1, 2008

Go Gators

This week in class we spent most of the time discussing choirs of stones, while outside of class my band has been working on our presentation. Also on Friday we discussed the movie Roswell. Roswell can be best described as interesting, due to the way that most of the film is in time laps. The film makes use of many different filming techniques, all used to convey a sense of a surreal lonely reality. I also feel that Roswell is a good example of a film with a third meaning. There is something beyond just the images on the screen. As for exactly what the third meaning is, I have a bit of an idea. I know it has something to do with the feeling that an image gives you, but you don’t exactly know where the feeling is coming from. Hopefully I will have a better idea of the third meaning after the band presentation on Monday. As for closing thoughts on Roswell, it is a film that brings a lot of different elements together, in a way that convey a meaning that is greater then the some of its individual elements.
Now I will switch topics from discussing a complex movie, to discussing a complex book, Choirs of Stones. After reading the book and discussing it for two days in class, I have these final thoughts on it. As far as I can tell, Choirs of Stones is an indictment on Masculinity. The lesson of the book is that masculinity makes men do evil things. Her criticism of masculinity though, should not be taken as an attack on men however. Choirs of Stones is essentially saying that men aren’t evil, but the ideals that society places on them are. Also no discussion of choirs of stones is complete without a discussion on childhood. The theme that childhood, trauma effects adults to a great degree runs throughout the book. In fact I would go as far as to say that, Choirs of Stones, tries to draw the conclusion, that most of the world’s problems are caused because people have really bad childhoods.
I will wrap up this week’s blog with a couple thoughts on the band presentation; we will be doing very soon. If you want a more detailed description of my thoughts please read my blog post from last week. I still don’t really get the connection between geno-song and grain, except for the fact that neither of them seems to be something that is obvious in the singing voice.
As for my picture, I chose a stone, because it reminds me of Choirs of Stones. It also reminds me of Roswell. You know the whole desert theme.
On a side note, make sure you go vote on Tuesday. Unless you know nothing of the issues, in which case don’t vote for a candidate arbitrarily.

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