Sunday, November 23, 2008

The more I think about the radio project that we are working on, the more ideas come to mind--ideas that are so numerous that I'm not quite sure I'll have the time to actually do half of them.  Rather than tie myself down to a single, specific theme, I wanted a way to express many ideas and ways of thinking, and arrive at a conclusion based on all of these things.  And so I think the idea of exploring subculture, and the struggle to truly be an individual and to break away from society is an interesting one.  I think there are many ways to go with the project, and we will not be at a loss for ideas at any point.  

I can't deny that one of my biggest inspirations for my ideas on this project have come through the Richard Linklater movies I have been watching lately, particularly Slacker and Waking Life.  I think their play on structure is interesting, and how through the use of an eclectic number of ideas, one overall theme seems to emerge, like the many strokes of a brush creating an entire picture.  But of course, I don't want to produce a work exactly like this--we will definitely be bringing in other ideas and making this an original work.

One thing I am interested in utilizing is music, although I almost don't want to play any songs of any sort, unless this plays a direct part in this array  of voices speaking.  I would like to try to loop parts of songs to create certain moods and tensions if necessary.  But I'm not sure how easy this would be--to create a continuous flow of music.  I would have to cut and past certain parts of a song, and mend them to fit perfectly, that way there are no skips.  It's something that could happen to be very difficult, I will have to see how well it works.

So we'll definitely be putting a lot of work into this project.  I can't wait to see how it turns out, and how all of our ideas come together to create a unified work.

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