Wednesday, November 26, 2008


As our new band project creeps nearer and nearer, ideas continuously spark up and get discussed between band members. Ideas for a theme ended when we decided to create and connect our project by talking about the idea of truly being an individual and to break away from society. Even with our theme of the project figured out, there is still a lot of work to do dealing with how we are going to present and display our major theme in a radio broadcast. We already have many great ideas of how to display this information during the radio broadcast. Many of our ideas are actually similar to the ways of the "yes men." Their ways being, to create a satirical way to display information to the public that is normally overlooked. Reading about the yes men and what they have done is inspiring when it comes to doing this project. One idea that I would like to see be created is to make our website similar to theirs. Not only will we be connecting our project with readings from class, but, we will also be doing ourselves a favor by mimicking a great function and factor of the yes men's publicity and success. I believe we can use the yes men as our teacher for this specific project. The readings in course reserves were very helpful due to all of the ideas embedded in the text. I noticed a lot of things that we could create similarity to in our own project. Overall, the yes men readings and videos were a huge help in thinking up ideas of how to present our radio project. I believe that the yes men are a great point to start at and from their inspiration, see where our project takes us. Be prepared for an awesome turn-out.

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