Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yes Men Extra Blog

Pardon my French, but these two guys seem like assholes to me. I admit they are clever but I disagree with the blog below mine that they actually seem to accomplish things. True they brought to public attention an important catastrophe abroad caused by an American Corporation. However, I do not think they actually accomplished anything meaningful for their cause other than temporarily driving down the Dow's stock. If there was some sort of collaboration with the Bhopalis their effort might seem more sincere. Unfortunately the two men only facilitate "the other" paradigm by speaking on behalf of those affected in Bhopal without consultation. Bichlbaum and Bananno operate in the same structure of hierarchy they seemingly hope to deconstruct. Instead these two assume their place of taking on the Dow according to their own agenda while dismissing the effect they will have on the already broken spirit of these victims. Because they believe they are the "good guys" they can break the rules? I don't think so. What kind of message is that sending about ethics?  I am not defending Dow's stance (although their reasons of inaction bound by the stockholders is clearly sensible to anyone who understands capitalism) I do not think the "white lies"  of Andy Bichlbaum and Mike Bonanno should be tolerated. Where is the logic in more lies leading to the truth? I would like to know the legal repercussions of their actions. Allowing this kind of behavior in the name of social responsibility can only pave the road to Hell. 
Instead of spending their time playing games, they could be raising money and awareness through legitimate means for Bhopal.
I think it would be fun to impersonate to the point of suggesting we actually are the two men on our radio project. We could make all kinds of promises and financial commitments to the University of Florida, broadcast it to the public and then contact the men to demand they follow through. 


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