Friday, November 14, 2008

I've decided to write my blog tonight since this weekend is going to be jam packed with other work.. seriously love the class Kate, but I will be cursing ENG1131 these next fews days as projects role together with deadlines approaching. I was glad we all got together to talk Wednesday morning. I think it gave our band the opportunity to discuss and fine tune critical theories Barthes envisions here such as the role of the adjective, pheno/geno song, and the "grain." Confidence in our understanding of the text will definitely help in assembly and presentation of our interpretation. I haven't focused much on the band project the past few days though.. sorry guys. I feel like every step forward I take in this film memory project I take a secret passage way 3 steps back!!(Im doing my webpage on CLUE)How many times did you all watch your movie? I probably have watched CLUE ten times now. It actually got to the point where people were banning it from playing in communal rooms. Watching it so many times really helped instill a sense of the filmic qualities in my creative consciousness though.My photoshoping and HTML skills have improved enough to provide some more ease in conveying an aesthetic to match my ideas which has been helpful. Still it seems that I am constantly having to re-save and upload pictures and the entire process is just monstrously time consuming. I hope you all are having more success and enjoyment. Does anyone have any ideas for a final project? I bet knowing so much about the grain of the voice will help us with all the theoretical radio stuff. Ryan had mentioned the possibility of playing the keyboard. Maybe at our band meeting Sunday we can start to talk about some ideas to explore. It seems like a very broad project

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Very broad...that's the fun of it woman!