Sunday, November 16, 2008

The third meaning was the topic of discussion this week in class, but most of my time was spent working on my project, and the band presentation both of which are due Monday. My project is on the Shawshank Redemption, a movie that I have seen many times and is one of my favorites. It is a movie about a man, who loses his old life, only to form a new one where he truly found happiness. The Shawshank Redemption had many themes that related back to the text that we have read so far this year, which made it a good choice for my project. I found a lot of connections with Chorus of Stones, which is the text that we most recently finished. As for my band partners, Sam did her project on the movie Clue, which was one of my favorite games as a child. Her site plays with both elements form the game and the movie, which creates a fascinating adventure for the mind. As for Ryan he did his project on, well I am not sure exactly the movie, but the site is very interesting. He seems to be playing with the dream world versus the real world.
The other major project due Monday is our Band Presentation, which is on the “Grain of the Voice”. “Grain of the Voice” is a theoretical text by Barthes that explores what lies beneath the singing voice of an individual. The text is an expansion on the subject of the third meaning, showing how it exists outside of images. This text in particular is especially hard to understand, since it builds on the other texts that come before it. You can really break down the text into four different sections. There is the part about no longer using adjectives to describe music; there is the grain of the voice, Genosong and Phenosong, and the Lied vs Melodie. We plan on using examples of different music to explain the different elements that Barthes talks about. One of the most interesting things I took away from the piece was the idea that music was getting too commercial, and that the ever increasing move towards perfection was not necessarily a good thing. It’s the happy mistakes that make music interesting; it’s the imperfections that make a song great.
Anyway it was a busy week, but hopefully I will get everything done well, as for my picture I choose a piano, in honor of “Grain of the Voice”. While the text is on only the singing voice, you can expand it to all music.

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