Friday, November 21, 2008

Raido Project?

We have now begun to work on our final projects for the class. Our band has decided to do a radio project, which explores the different view people have. We will mostly be focusing in on the individual versus the media, and the individual versus society. We want the project to bring together many different elements, including sound effects, music, and distortion. Here are my ideas for how the radio program will play out. Now I don’t actually expect the project look much like the ideas I am lying down here, because we are so early on in the planning process, and this is more of just a brain storming session.
I see the program opening up with a fake advertisement, (a real one would be cool though, I could always use extra money). Then we transition into Ryan as the narrator talking about society or the struggle against society or something like that. There should be music playing in the background, during this part. After that I really don’t know what we should do to move into the part where we are coving our own topics, or even how we want to cover the topics. Do we want it to be us just talking, or do we want to present it in a covert way. Like people on the street talking, or like we are hosting a call in talk show and each of us calls in, or maybe some even more creative way. Anyway that important that we figure that out, because other than that we have a fairly good of idea of what we are doing in the project. We know we want transitions between our pieces that include, some sort of indie rock, some clips of people like Bill O’Reilly and Rush Limbaugh talking, and we want to use trippy effects on all of it. We should probably meet at some point this weekend to finalize some stuff, and write our project out line. Remember we also have to talk about our presentation, and the website we have to make. Does anyone know what we have to even do for the presentation? Like what are we supposed to talk about for that half hour. Anyway we have a lot of work to get done, and like no time to do it. So I will end with why I have a radio for my picture this week. It’s because we are doing a radio project. J

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