Saturday, November 29, 2008

Yes Men Extra Blog

I thought the method used by the Yes Men is very clever--rather than protests and rallies against  crimes committed by corporations, they actually play the parts of these corporations, saying what the corporations will not say for themselves.  It's just a great approach to the problems in our world.  The media obviously doesn't tell us very much--I'm amazed that our news broadcasters are even covering these terrorist attacks occurring in India....oh yeah, there were like three Americans there, thus making the tragedy "relevant" to us.  So it's very true that the media needs an "excuse" to talk about something, and to bring it to the attention of the public.
What the Yes Men do is a very worthwhile, inspiring cause.  Through harnessing the media, they can play with the images of corporations, and most importantly, they actually seem to accomplish things.  Most protests that occur rarely get this kind of coverage and go unnoticed, so a creative approach to the issues such as this is absolutely necessary to make a difference in our media-driven world.
As for our radio project, I think this provides an interesting approach for some of the things we would like to do for the radio project.  By playing the parts of the corporations, we can articulate their interests and incentives in a way much different from what they would want us to hear.  I look forward to getting more involved with this project, though it is difficult now, being so separated from my group.  I hope that with the time we are given, we will able to accomplish all the things we want to accomplish.

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