Friday, October 31, 2008


This week, we as a class were assigned to watch and take notes on an independent film talking about the UFO crash that took place in Roswell, New Mexico in the year 1947. This film was unlike any other film I have seen thus far in life. It was done with an over voice who spoke the entire film. The over voice, or narrator of the film, was also the producer and director. He was also the main "character" in the film, as there were never really any other people in it. His style of film was very interesting and was produced in an "adolescent way." This meaning that he would speak in a way that a child would speak or in a way a child could understand. He used many film techniques to give his statements a more drastic effect. These techniques such as the fish eye lens. The way this looks to the viewers, in a way, makes them feel that they are looking out of a window of a space ship. It gives them more of a scense of realism. The way the narrator's voice sounded is another factor that makes this film. His voice is annoying (to me), yet it still captures my attention in a way that I couldn't not pay attention to what he was saying. I believe that this is the same for many people that have seen this film. The picture I have chosen for this week is a picture of an "ailen" who was supposely found in the Roswell crash. I find the picture to be interesting because I feel that it looks extremely real, especially for its time period when our technology wasn't up-to-date enough to pull off a scheme like this. I love to talk about Roswell material and hope to continue this on monday.

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