Friday, October 10, 2008

This week we started a new section, since are website project is now over. We are now going over film, and the different elements of film. I watched The Shinning, which is a film that exhibits many elements that I learned about in the reading that I was assigned this week, which was mise-en-scene. The Shinning is a horror film that is not just torture porn, it use editing, and subtle film tricks to build the suspense. Take for example the opening scene, which uses ominous music, with a mixture of ultra deep space, deep space, and close space to create a sense of foreboding and loneliness. The Shinning also uses a yellow or red filter throughout most of the film in order to create a more ominous feel.
Mise-en-scene breaks films down into five separate sections; Décor, lighting, space, costume, and acting. Each one of these sections help the film express the message it wants to get across more effectively. Like let’s say a movie wants to be set in the 1920’s, then it could uses costumes that make the actors look like they are form the 1920’s. Or let’s say a movie wants to make a scene seem more ominous or spook. Then the director can use low lighting to create shadow across the actor’s faces, to make them seem more sinister. The five sections that Mise-en-scene discusses can be seen in most movies that you watch.
For this week’s image I choose a picture of Jack in the maze, near the end of the Shinning. I Choose this picture because if feel it is a good example of low lighting, which is one of the things that Mise-en-scene discusses. I also feel that this picture is a good example of typage. I think Jack Nicolson is one of the only actors that could pull off this scene. Jack Nicolson is known for looking crazy in movies, and he really looks crazy in this scene. Overall this week we went over different elements in movies, and I watched the Shinning. I am excited about learning more about film as the week’s progress, and the new project I was assigned sounds exciting, it’s just a shame that I will have to delete my website.

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