Saturday, December 6, 2008

Coulter's Last Blog!!!

Let me first start out with the word, "WOW." It is extremely hard to believe that this fall semester has already come to its ending point. It has gone by so fast, even faster than my first fall semester at The University of Florida last year. 
Even though it has gone by so fast, I have managed to pick up enormous amounts of knowledge and skills that will further my achievements and goals in life. The one class that has taught me all of these skills and knowledge is none other than ENG 1131. This class has had so much work entailed to it, but in the long run I know it will definitely pay off. To say the least, this class has taught me a fantastic work ethic. If this is Kates first time teaching this class, then I have no idea how she could have made it any better. I honestly cannot think of one thing that she could do to perfect her class structure. She has done a fantastic job teaching us this year and I add that this class ,even though difficult at times, was hands down my favorite class to be in for the semester and even out of my whole three (four counting summer B) semesters I have been here.
Also I have never in a class before had group members, or band members, for a whole semester. I thought that this was an awesome idea because I could always ask at least three other people about something before I had to go to the teacher about it. It also just feels good to know that you have a band behind you to help you and guide you through what I found out to be a "hard hitting" class. I enjoyed my band members very much and hope to keep in contact with them throughout the years. I'm going to miss ENG 1131!!

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