Monday, December 8, 2008

Goodbye ENG 1131

This week has been very frantic, with finals coming up, and a huge radio project that has to get done. Our project is very ambitious, even more than we thought. The mixing of sounds, talking, and music, takes time and effort, in excess of what we had expected. Overall though we are very happy with what we are putting together. We are not just putting together a piece that talks about grain of the voice, the movies we have watched in class, or the pieces we have read, but is an example of all the theory’s we have learned in class. We are forming a text, that extends to all the different parts of our culture, a text that interconnects more items, and ideas then we can possible even imagine. The main goal of our project now is to make a piece that a person needs to listen to more than once to comprehend, a piece that takes multiple times to get all the reference. Every second of our pieces is intense and multilayered creating a sound and a feel that is unique.
Since this is the final blog I think I will make some final comments on the class. When I signed up for the class during preview I had no idea what the class was about, I was just looking to round out my schedule. I had always been interested in films, and the media, and this sounded like a fun class to be a part of. I won’t lie this class was sometimes a lot of work, and almost drove me crazy a couple times. And while I doubt I will miss this class when next semester rolls around, I think that in the future I will look back on this class, and be glad that I took it. There are a lot of interesting concepts that I have taken away from the class, and if anything the class taught me how think. This was a class that I was defiantly out of my element in, a class that was based on creativity and making a personal stamen with your work. I have never thought of myself as creative or and I like being told what to do for my project, but in the end it was nice to be creative and play around with concepts. It’s been an interesting semester Kate, good luck with your new baby, and all your future classes

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