Saturday, November 15, 2008

Friday Night Lights

For this weeks blog I have decided to write on my web site and its progress. The picture above is the cover of the film for which I have chosen to do my film memory work on. The reasoning for this decision is because whenever I watch this film it takes me back to my high school years of playing football. All of it's hardships and tough over comings in which high school football attains. It was some of the best years of my life thus far, and every time I see this movie it gives me that feeling again. It is hard to explain exactly what that feeling is because only I can understand it. It is a feeling that is not to be able to explain. I feel like with this web site project I am having more fun creating and playing with all of the tools of the web program. I seem to be a lot more intrigued and interested in my memory work from this specific film. This project has opened my eyes in ways i never thought possible until upon doing this project. It has opened my eyes in a way in which it is impossible for myself to try and explain on paper or verbally. One thing that I am really excited about showing on my web site is little video clips all throught the linked pages. I did not do this on my last project and I am excitred to see reactions to them. I also have made this site way less generic as I had made my last project. I feel this recent project looks a million time better and a million time more interesting than my previous project. I still have a ton of work to do on it before it's deadline on monday, but, so far I am very proud of what I have accoplished.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Glad you had fun w/ it! I'm looking forward to checking it out.