Friday, September 12, 2008

Team Effort, Great Blog

Creating a blog seemed like a daunting task, and creating a blog that would faithfully represent a group of people as diverse as our band seemed almost impossible. The first thing that we came up with was a name for our new blog. We wanted something that both represented electricy and group collaboration. That is why Ulmer’s Army is such a good fit, Ulmer is the creator of the idea of electricy, and there is no organization more focused on the collective then an Army. I would like to think that the theme of our blog is the bringing together of many ideas to form one large super conscience of ideas that are greater than the sum of their parts. This idea is represented in the picture that we have posted this week, which is the album cover off of Hail to the Thief by Raidohead. It is an image that is full of different ideas, all coming together. Also this idea is illustrated with the collage that Ryan put together at the top of our page. It is a collection of different images, each its own idea, coming together on the blog, forming one conscience. As for the Template and layout of the blog, we went with a minimalist approach. At different points during the week the blog took on many different forms, templates, and color schemes. Throughout this process, we found that less is more. I personally think the blog has a nice modern feel, which goes well with the modern ideas that are being presented in the class. Tacky colors and graphics are so for the literate age. My part in the group was to become the expert on BlogSpot, and make sure everything would work properly. I played around on the website a lot, changing colors and template, adding and removing gadgets, and posting pictures and text. I tried to add a music gadget, but I just could not get it to work properly, it would have been cool to have music as part of the blog. In the end I would have to say the blog turned out better than I could a have ever imagined, but I could not have done it alone, so thank you Colter, Sam, and Ryan for helping make this the best blog in Eng1131.


1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

"Tacky colors and graphics are so for the literate age." Ha! That's great. I like the minimalist layout as well. It does work well, especially with Sam's quotes from Chang-Tzou. Perhaps you could have connected these ideas?