Friday, September 12, 2008


When beginning this band project I didn't have the slightest idea to what a blog was or to what a blog was used to create. I had never used a blog nor given much thought into what it's uses entailed. However after discussing it in class and learning about it while creating this site, I have come to a better understanding as to how to use, read, and understand blogging. Not only have I reached an understanding of blogging, but I have also reached a greater understanding of the powerful "electracy." As Gregory Ulmer describes electracy he states that, "electracy is to digital media what literacy is to print." And might I say that the power of digital media is overwhelming compared to literacy's print. Just by doing a simple blog explains that better than any words can. It is unbelievable how powerful and how much more entailed the media world is compared to a boring printed world.
In this blog entry I would also like to say that without the members of my band I would be extremely lost as in how to create this blog and as to what to do with it. They had many outstanding thoughts and ideas and made it all happen right in front of my eyes. They did a wonderful job of putting this project together and also guiding me into a better understanding of how the media world works and how it is organized. My contribution to this weeks blog was coming up with different pictures and images to go up onto the heading of our blog thus displaying the energy and thoughtfulness of the members in our band.
For our image for this week we all came together and picked Radiohead's album cover Hail to the thief. As a band we decided to use this image to represent us as a one unit. I like to think as the image as representing all of our ideas as a band coming together in one overseeing outcome.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I'm glad that you're trying to incorporate electracy into your discussion, but I really want to know more about your part in the design. Which images did you choose and why? What did they mean to you?