Friday, September 19, 2008

Busy Week!!!

Let me first start out with wow!! This week has been extremely busy for me! As some may know I am going up to Tennessee for the gator game this weekend on a road trip with my fraternity. Because of this I have been working frantically to get all of my school work done and I have been striving so hard to work around my classes so that I can enjoy this eventful experience. At this same time I would like to apologize for not having and image, song, or video clip up. I am not doing this out of pure laziness I can assure you. I do not have one of these requirements up simply because I am "anelectrate" and I do not do well with computer programs so I do not completely understand how to upload one of these requirements. Also since the second blog posting (which what this is) isn't due until Saturday, my group has not yet had a chance to come together to discuss anything at this time. On a different note, may i say that I really enjoy creating and "playing around" with the website program in lab. I find the information learned and still learning in this portion of the class material to be quite beneficial. I feel like information such as this is so critical in today's world. A world where every day life revolves around media in one way or another. Which brings me to my next point, even though I sometimes feel like writing on this blog every week can be a burden at times (mostly because I wait until the last minute to do it :)), I still feel it is an awesome tool that somehow connects me to the electracy world. I know it is a useful weekly task, and I look forward to it's furthering uses.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

You aren't really connecting to the readings or outside information here. What can we learn from this blog entry? More importantly, what are you learning?

As for the pic, you just click on the image icon when you create a new post. Then you simply browse for your image file and upload it.