Friday, September 26, 2008

Memory Work

This week I really began to work on my Memory Work project. The assigned reading this week of family Secret, gave me a better idea of what to do for the project, but I am still not 100% sure of what to do for the project, but I am forming ideas in my mind. In a family secret Kuhn takes a family photo and makes connections with her past. To Kuhn a photo is a network of connections, which a person can use in order to find out things about one’s family. Over the last couple of days I have been trying to think of pictures that I could use for the project. I have a limited selection to pick from, due to the fact that most of the pictures of my family are back in Jacksonville, and I do not have a way to get back to Jacksonville. Anyway I am almost finished with my homepage, I finally got the color scheme the way I like it, and got all the links to work. I might want to add some stuff later on, but for now I need to focus more on the other parts of my project. The picture that I put up for this week is the one I worked on in Photoshop, in the lab we did on Monday. It’s a collection of different things that I think represent me fairly well. While I won’t go into detail about everything on there, I will save that for the write up at the end of my project. The images I selected all represent a different part of my life, and when they are put together I fell they make a semi accurate picture of who I am. My goal for this weekend is to read family Secrets a couple more times, and select pictures that I want to use in my project, and hopefully by Monday night, I will have most of the work done.

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

Let's see some more detail here! You're being rather rushed. I want to know HOW you're connecting your work and Kuhn's.