Saturday, October 4, 2008

Yet Another Thrilling Debate.

Upon watching the vice-presidential debates, I would say I was left with the same apathetic feeling the presidential debates gave me.  However, there was somewhat more of an entertainment factor in this one.  Some unpredictability, if you will.  Will the candidates answer the question they're given?  Will Palin continue to turn to the topic of the energy crisis?  How many times will she use the term "hockey mom?"  And who is this Biden character? I barely even hear about him. So to fit the ridiculous nature of the debate, I figured I would have some fun with it. Using a transcript of the entire debate, I found how many times we heard our candidates use their favorite key terms throughout the event.
-"change"--44 times
-"energy"--39 times
-"maverick"--15 times
-"American people"--14 times
-"Alaska"--13 times
-"corruption on Wall Street"--4 times
-"middle class"--13 times
-"track record"--6 times
-"hockey mom"--only once, surprisingly
-"Joe six pack"--once...but amazing nonetheless
With terms like this either candidate did little to carry on the points of an actual debate.  They instead both insisted on using the usual campaign strategies, such as these repeated phrases and negative attacks to the other party, in order to simplify complex situations and to attract more voters to their side.  Not that this isn't part of why we hold debates in the first place, but Biden and Palin seemed to forget about the actual debate part of this...debate.  Especially in the several instances in which they would just talk about whatever they felt like discussing, or as Palin surprisingly declared with a bewilderingly confident look on her face, "I may not answer the questions you or the moderator may want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people."  You know something? Maybe we shouldn't hold debates anymore.  I think our candidates would much rather have a two hour long marathon of campaign commercials.  And with that I will end on a quote, the first statement of the debate spoken by Palin: 
"Ya know, I think a good barometer here, as we try to figure out has this been a good time or a bad time in America's economy, is go to a kid's soccer game on Saturday, and turn to any parent there on the sideline and ask them, 'How are ya feelin' about the economy?'"
God Bless America

1 comment:

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I think these "two hour long marathon of campaign commercials" that you propose would be way cooler (and more effective) if the candidates showed some skin. I mean, there are some real hotties running this time around. And Palin with that wink! Wowser!

Ummm....for real though, you're dead on here. Calling these "debates" is a joke.

By the way, I sent your word count to some of my friends...everyone thought it was HILARIOUS! Kudos!

I've recorded your extra credit in my gradebook.