Friday, October 3, 2008

Websites, done at last. Well almost

For this blog I felt it appropriate to talk about the websites we have all been working on. Friday afternoon I had a chance to look at my band members websites. While I know everyone is still working on their websites, I won’t have much time this weekend to look at them so, I thought better early then never. I will start with the first website I went to which was Sam’s website. I loved the image Sam has on her homepage. The image has black and white background, with her in color, hitchhiking down the road. When I see the image it makes me think about how big the world is, and how far I still have to go down the road of life. Also the rollover image that she has is very cool, it fits well with the Kuhn quote she has below it. On a more technical note, all the links seemed to work, and all the pictures loaded. Page 4 only had a quote on it, but I think that’s just because she has not had time to work on the page. The next page I went to was Coulters, which was still heavily under construction. The links on the homepage did work, but there were no links to any other pages so I could not check out the rest of the website. The images on the homepage did not load however, the most likely cause of this, would be that Coulter did not put the images into the ftp folder. Overall however I did like the look of the homepage, and I am curious to see what his memories of Hurricane Andrew actually are. I will most likely come back to Coulters page, once it’s more complete. Finally I went to Ryan’s page, which also had a very cool image on it. My band is gifted with very talented digital artists, maybe a little of that will rub off on me at some point. Technically speaking most of the website works fine, all the links work, and all the pictures loaded up. The left2 page had nothing load up on it when I went to the site, but I figure he just has not had time to upload it yet. It’s a bit hard to read what is written on the create page, due to the background, but it’s not impossible, and the background on that page is really cool. I also like the arrows that you click on to get to the rest of the page. Overall all the websites are looking good, I just wish I could have waited longer to go visit them, but this is the only free time I will have. As for the image I choose this week it’s a picture of a website, in honor of all our websites.


Sammie en Paris said...

Michael this feedback is actually very helpful as I continue to work on my website. I am so jealous you are done already!! hehe good for you! It looks great by the way! I will write about it in my blog :) Have a good weekend.

Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...
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Kate, Barry, Arlo, and Ezra said...

I agree with Sam. This feedback was very useful. I'm glad that you engaged your group and took time to actually go through all of the sites. Good work!